About the program

The Sourcery for Juniors program covers three tracks: front-end development, full stack development, and testing. Everyone who wants to start their career in IT must apply to an admissions test for a chance to participate in one of the most rigorous programs offered in Lithuania. Top scoring candidates will go through an interview process and limited number of spots will be awarded for each semester. The smartest and hardest working candidates have an opportunity to join the ranks of engineers at Devbridge, a Cognizant company. Over 80% of graduates find employment in the tech sector after graduating.

Sourcery for Developers lecture
Povilas Medvedevas

Code review yra neišvengiamybė tikriausiai kiekvienam dirbančiam šioje srityje. Tai yra bene vienas naudingiausių dalykų, kurį išmokau “Sourcery” akademijos metu, kadangi akademijoje teko ne tik implementuoti funkcionalumus, bet ir tikrinti kaip tai sekasi kitiems komandos nariams. Ir dabar, dirbant Cognizant, kasdien skaitau komandos narių kodą, o tai yra puiki galimybė augti profesiškai ir prisidėti prie projekto kokybės gerinimo.

Povilas Medvedevas, Sourcery for Front End alumnas