What we teach matters

Sourcery for Front-End academy is a free three-month course, available in the Spring of each year. Students are given an opportunity to be immersed in a professional Front-End development course for the beginners who are willing to develop their expertise in user interface programming. Students are invited to the Devbridge, a Cognizant company, in Kaunas and Vilnius offices to attend live workshops and create custom projects with the help of Front-End software development professionals. Top graduates are invited for an interview to become a Junior Front-End Software Engineer.

Sourcery for Front-End lecture

Push the Pixels with Sourcery for Front-End

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The Academy has three phase based admission. Completing an online application is the first and the most important step to apply to Sourcery Academy. Registration is available for all candidates who are willing to learn front-end development (the application period opens in January and closes in the end of February). During the second phase all candidates have to pass the entry test which will be taken online for three days. Test results define a priority list of candidates who are invited into the third phase - the admission workshop. We accept 48 candidates with the highest marks into the Academy. All applicants will be informed about the results of their admission in the beginning of March.

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The participants learn the latest technologies and how to create software using the best tools on the market. During the Academy they discover all types, techniques and design approaches, learn how to write semantic elements in HTML, apply advanced CSS techniques, understand accessibility standards as well as manage projects using the Agile methods. Additionally, each student is awarded a trial with the company, giving them a chance to gain real work experience. Devbridge, a Cognizant company, assigns a mentor to each student to serve as a resource for their custom development projects. The end result of the learning process is shown during the Graduation event.

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The Sourcery Academy is a free of charge three-month course, available in the Spring. The Academy starts in the end of February and lasts until the end of May. 48 students in total are invited to the software design and development company Devbridge, a Cognizant company, in Kaunas and Vilnius to attend weekly workshop (±3-hour workshop once per week; ±10 different topics in total) and create custom projects in order to learn how to create software using the best tools on the market with the help of software development professionals. Academy's students need to dedicate ±20 hours per week in order to graduate the academy successfully. At the end of term all students will receive a certificate of completion the Sourcery for Front-End Academy.

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At the end of term all students will receive a certificate of completion the Sourcery Academy for Front-End Developers. The participants are observed throughout the course by assigned mentors. In the end of the Academy all students have to pass the final exam if they want to receive certificates. Only the TOP highest performing graduates are invited for an interview to become junior Front-End Software Engineers at Devbridge, a Cognizant company.


Choose academy’s location

Please note that the schedule will be published before the Academy for Frontend starts.

Vilija Martinaitytė

Prisijungti prie Sourcery akademijos buvo vienas geriausių mano gyvenimo sprendimų. Jos metu išaugo meilė Front End'ui ir prasidėjo mano programavimo karjeros kelias, kuris tęsiasi iki šiol. Aplikavau į akademiją norėdama pagilinti Front End žinias ir pasisemti patirties iš šios srities profesionalų, tačiau gavau daug daugiau! Akademijos metu ne tik mokėmės apie pagrindines Front End technologijas, įrankius ir gerąsias praktikas, bet ir turėjome galimybę patirti realaus darbo komandoje subtilybes bei įsijausti į Devbridge organizacijos programuotojo rolę. Tai vienareiškmiškai neįkainojama patirtis!

Vilija Martinaitytė, Sourcery for Front-End alumnė

Frequently asked questions

Weekly workshops and team meetings will be arranged in the office. The schedule of all workshops has been already provided on a site above. Meanwhile team meetings will be arranged by an assigned mentor in the beginning of the Academy. Material of all different topics will be provided offline before workshops.

If you want to graduate the academy successfully, you will have to dedicate ±20 per week. Approximately three hours should be dedicated for each workshop. Other time should be dedicated for your personal development in order implement IT project in a team as well as to build your competence through trainings and individual or groups assignments.

The Academy has three phase based admission. First of all, try to do your best during the first phase - apply well-done resiume that would reflect your interest in IT field. Secondly, try to pass the Entry Test and confirm only fully and precisely answered questions. The test will allow to assess your knowledge in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. There won't be any negative grades for wrong answers. Finally, the best-performing students will receive direct invitations to the academy after they pass the third phase - the admission workshop. During the workshop use your best personal skills in order to achieve the best result for your team.

This free-to-attend course is for everyone who is willing to learn the latest Front-End technologies. We do not require any advanced Front-End development skills from you before the academy. However, you need to have at least basics of front-end development in order to pass the admission. We are looking for smart, motivated people who are thinking outside the box and willing to learn the latest web technologies in order to kick start their career in IT as Junior Front-End software engineers.

The Academy provides weekly lectures (once or twice per week). Three hours long lectures usually starts at 4 pm each Tuesday in Vilnius or Wednesday in Kaunas. This three-month course ir available in the Fall of each year (from October to Mid January).

Yes, a personal laptop is required. However, in case you do not have it, the company offers the possibility to use the laptop during lectures at Devbridge/Cognizant Softvision Kaunas or Vilnius office (the city depends on the location where you took the entrance test).

Yes, the recordings are sent to all admitted students after they sign agreements based on GDPR. However, keep in mind, that weekly team meetings will be arranged in the office on a selected time.

Have other questions? Parašykite mums.