Lean requirements workshop

Collaboration over documentation is the objective—people with domain expertise talking to people with product delivery expertise. As long as those two parties are aligned and validating assumptions against customer feedback, then we’re good. Use this section to understand the building blocks and the outcomes, as well as the activities, to facilitate an effective workshop.

We call our methodology of building alignment and understanding Lean Requirements. The general exercises and tools to execute Lean Requirements are identified below:

Vision settingVision documentA single-page document that outlines key outcomes of the product and serves as a North Star for decision-making throughout delivery.
Service mappingService map OpportunitiesUsed to map out an existing client service and identify various touchpoints and areas of opportunity across departments, roles, etc. Also, useful to visualize how the service will transform with an introduction of a new digital product.
System rolesList of rolesThe roles that the product needs to support. For example, customers, power users, administrators, resellers.
User journeysJourney mapsJourney maps are useful for complex, tightly coupled workflows that may surface in the service-mapping exercise. For example, a loan being underwritten and going through approval may touch four different departments inside a company.
Story mappingStory map Initial version of backlogIdentifying the epics and stories that support the desired functionality in the product. Story map eventually evolves into backlog.
Tech deep diveArchitecture document Technology decisions StandardsDevbridge and client evaluate current technology ecosystem, establish target architecture, select technologies for the product, and agree on engineering best practices to be used in the product build.
Entity mapEntity map Refactored story mapThe team reviews initial story map, identifies major entities and relationships, refactors story map based on entities.
Stakeholder identificationRoles and responsibilitiesThe team determines the key roles of the product team—the sponsor, the stakeholders, the SMEs. Expectations for participation are set.
PrioritizationRelease roadmapThe team reviews the story map and determines what the release strategy and cadence will look like (MVP, MMP, etc.).
Risks and successRisks and assumptions document Vision document updateThe team discusses desired outcomes, assumptions made, as well as identified risks.
Workshop retroN/AWorkshop retrospective captures what went well and what could have been improved.
The Secret Source by Aurimas Adomavicius

About the author

Aurimas Adomavicius is the president and co-founder of Devbridge. When not in the trenches working with clients, Aurimas is an active speaker and writer on product design and engineering best practices.