Target specific industries

Clients get incredible value by partnering with a product team that is well versed in software delivery and has domain expertise in the client’s industry vertical. This combination decreases onboarding time, increases the team’s effectiveness during delivery, and allows for know-how reuse. Things like nomenclature, industry best practices, workflows, and much more come as second nature to a team with experience in a specific vertical. Each vertical has a designated managing director with industry expertise and domain knowledge that enhances the effectiveness of the working team.

Target industries include the following:

  • Agribusiness: Growers, commodity brokers, manufacturers of farming equipment. Modernization is allowing farmers to increase yields from their crops, while commodity brokers are working closer and closer with farmers who are adopting technology.
  • Financial services: Retail banking to commercial banking, asset management companies to ratings, research agencies. New opportunities fueled by technology are popping up everywhere and the industry is dealing with an immense backlog of technical debt, legacy systems, and monolithic applications. Probably the most prolific vertical in our portfolio, the financial services sector is also one of the most mature industries in terms of software adoption.
  • Distribution and logistics: Warehouse automation, Internet of Things, pricing optimization, and analytics are helping brokerage companies, distributors, and warehousers to squeeze out profits in a highly competitive industry.
  • Professional services: Law firms, legal consultancies, software firms, accounting. Automation provides professional services firms to differentiate their offerings.
  • Healthcare: Hospitals, medical providers, medical staffing agencies. Technology improves patient care—from prevention to more holistic aftercare. Health care is also a highly regulated industry—patient data is private and sensitive, and so software must be HIPAA compliant.
  • Hospitality: Hotels, stadiums, venues, event logistics, food services. The two main themes in hospitality are efficiency and patron experience—aiming to operate more smoothly and at a lower cost while improving the visitor experience.
  • Manufacturing: Consumer goods, food, textiles, chemicals, electronics, pharmaceuticals. This industry is predominant in the Midwest and has been most impaired by technical debt with outdated legacy green-screen applications. Recent trends show that competing on hardware alone is not enough—customers expect a world-class digital experience to be bundled with physical products.
  • Aviation: Airplane manufacturers, airlines, transportation. The aviation and transportation industries are ripe with opportunity for enhancing efficiency and productivity. Aging infrastructure coupled with archaic legacy systems, and a need for creating a good user experience have the vertical rich with opportunities.
The Secret Source by Aurimas Adomavicius

About the author

Aurimas Adomavicius is the president and co-founder of Devbridge. When not in the trenches working with clients, Aurimas is an active speaker and writer on product design and engineering best practices.